Why was the DBV in SEND programme created?

The Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP) green paper identifies three key symptoms of a system under pressure: poor outcomes for children and young people with SEND and in AP, low parental and provider confidence, and financial unsustainability.

The Department for Education recognises that change is needed but that this will take time. It is therefore currently providing three support offers to local authorities. The aim of all three programmes is to facilitate sustainable management of local authorities’ high needs systems, with support and intervention tailored to the problems authorities are facing.

Why was the DBV in SEND programme created?

Prior to the DBV in SEND programme, participating local authorities had already worked extensively with their local partners, and this work was built upon in the diagnostic.

Local stakeholder engagement (including with parents and carers, with teachers from schools and colleges, and with health and social care colleagues) was vital to ensure everyone fed into the plan and bought into the outcomes the local area wanted to achieve together. In Phase One, Newton and CIPFA supported authorities to lead this engagement by providing communications tools, using participatory workshop methods, and where appropriate and asked by the authority, joining stakeholder meetings.

Schools forums were consulted as part of the diagnostic phase, as were local Parent Carer Forums.

Further activities involving partners and stakeholders across the system will be completed in the transition into the implementation phase (Phase Two) in each local area. When it comes to developing implementation plans and deciding what changes to take forward, it is expected that each participating local authority will do this in close conjunction with its local partners.

During Phase One the programme also collated good practice in delivering services for children and young people with SEND into a Toolkit accessible to all local authorities nationally, to support the improvement of their SEND services.

Access the National Toolkit

Data and evidence across all local areas in the programme has been aggregated to understand consistent themes and challenges, to inform future policy, and to support local authorities nationally in the improvement of their local SEND services.

Read findings from Phase One

What is a DBV in SEND diagnostic?

To make a lasting improvement to outcomes for children and young people with SEND, local areas need to work out the root causes of their challenges and their opportunities to improve - this is done through a 'diagnostic', which is at the heart of Phase One of the DBV in SEND programme.

How are system partners being involved in Phase One?

Prior to the DBV in SEND programme, participating local authorities had already worked extensively with their local partners, and this work was built upon in the diagnostic.

Local stakeholder engagement (including with parents and carers, with teachers from schools and colleges, and with health and social care colleagues) was vital to ensure everyone fed into the plan and bought into the outcomes the local area wanted to achieve together. In Phase One, Newton and CIPFA supported authorities to lead this engagement by providing communications tools, using participatory workshop methods, and where appropriate and asked by the authority, joining stakeholder meetings.

Schools forums were consulted as part of the diagnostic phase, as were local Parent Carer Forums.

Further activities involving partners and stakeholders across the system will be completed in the transition into the implementation phase (Phase Two) in each local area. When it comes to developing implementation plans and deciding what changes to take forward, it is expected that each participating local authority will do this in close conjunction with its local partners.

Illustration of a group of people interacting in an illustrated local area

Participant testimonials

Local areas participating in Phase One have provided feedback on their experiences of the programme.

“The case reviews might be one of the best things I've ever done in my career in education...I want to replicate this exercise with the entire team as it was so valuable.”

Assistant Director in SEND

DBV local area

“The excitement seeing the data has created is amazing”

Programme manager

DBV local area

“We thought we knew our area well, but we didn't have an external and solid evidence base to back it up… it's aiding us in conversation with partners, it has more legitimacy”

Director of Children’s Services

DBV local area

“The variation analysis helped us initiate a deeper dive into what makes inclusive schools - very interesting”

SEND lead

DBV local area

“We always embark on these type of conversations with trepidation, but it’s been a really good conversation. I feel really enthused and energised by the approach, it sounds like there’s some real support coming our way so thank you.”

Education Improvement Consultant,

Participating Local Authority

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